We are the represenatives elected to serve YOU the best we can! Every major, college, and student deserves someone to speak for them. And thats what we are here for!
We are the ones who talk to the figure heads of the departments. Plan meetings and hold events between majors and colleges. Oversee club activities and events. And try to make a better NJIT for the student populous
1. Go to the organizations tab on Highlander Hub and click on "Register an Organization".
2. Begin the application by clicking "Register a New Organization" at the bottom of the page.
3. After the application is submitted, the Office of Student Life will review the academic standing of the Executive Board listed below. A GPA of at least 2.5 is required for all E-board members. Upon further approval, the application will reach Step 4.
4. The Director of Student Organizations will email these organizations regarding any remaining information required. The new student organization leaders will be required to reply back with all information in a timely fashion.
5. The Student Organization Committee chaired by the current Student Senate Director of Student Organizations, is tasked with reviewing the application, membership list, and constitution. The membership list should include a minimum of 10 members (including the listed E-Board).
6. If the organization passes the above steps, the organization is brought up for a vote in front of the Student Senate body. The representative(s) of the organization is encouraged to attend the meeting to represent themselves as well as answer any questions asked by the Student Senate.
1. Have at least 15 members
2. Gather an E-Board of at least a President, VP, and Treasurer
3. Find a faculty or staff advisor
4. Use the template provided to create a constitution for the organization
Sample Constitution Template5. Check the public drive for the new student org progress in the student org bylaws and the student org handbook for more info.
1. Fill out Student Org Revival Form on Highlander Hub
Same as above
2. After application is submitted: Same rules as above apply!
Link To Chrome River.
For New Student Organizations:
The organization will be placed in Tier 4. If the organization would like to be moved up a tier, after one semester they would be eligible to complete the re-tiering request form.
1. Must be a New Student Organization to enter the Tiering System.
2. Must adhere to all the rules outlined by the Director of Student Organizations and the Student Organization Bylaws.
3. Must have been active for a minimum of two consecutive semesters after becoming a Student Senate Recognized Organization.
4. Must have reached their point minimum in their semesters as a New Student Organization.
5. Must submit all Mid Year and End of Year Reports by their given deadlines.
6. Must have attended all required Club Cabinet meetings while being a New Student Organization.
7. Must submit the Form for Entering the Tiering System on Highlander Hub, before or during either summer or winter recess, presenting a clear need for funding with all supporting documentation* from their previous semesters as an NSO.
For Current Student Organizations:
Considerations for moving down a tier are as follows:
1. Based on the information provided in mid-year reports, end-of-year reports, or lack thereof, student organizations will be evaluated regarding their impact on campus.
2. Loss of membership, a decline in events or event participation, along with other reductions might warrant a tier re-evaluation.
3. Previous negative mid/end of year reports will likely be considered as a part of this review process.Consistent inability to not follow the Good Standing Policy.
4. The student organizations committee will discuss organizations that are suspected of not meeting the above requirements.
5. Their performance will be measured against the Point System and failure to meet the requirements of their tier will result in being moved down a tier.
Considerations for moving down a tier are as follows:
1. A form will exist on the Student Senate’s Highlander Hub which will ask questions to understand the organization's impact on campus and how they plan to improve it. It will ask them to outline short-term goals for the semester of evaluation, long-term goals if they were to be moved up a tier, and a description as to why they want to be moved up a tier.
2. After the form is filled out, the student organization committee will approve the consideration based upon the goals and desire to move up a tier.
3. The form must be completed 3 days before the first student organizations cabinet meeting of the semester. The organization will be evaluated on that semester's performance. Any organization moving up a tier will do so at the end of the semester and will receive their new budget in the semester following their approval.
4. Organizations may fill out this form once every academic semester, no matter if their tier re-evaluation is granted or not.
Organizations can only move up 1 tier at a time.
Fill out Student at Large 2022-2023 Form on Highlander Hub
NJIT Student Senate Student-at-Large Application
Fill out the Vacant Position Candidacy Form on Highlander Hub
NJIT Student Senate Highlander Hub